Ride shotgun with Doc MacLean as the world's wildest blues tour plays sixty shows across Southern Africa...

Photo Credit: Stefan Hurter

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Count Down: Blues Highway

The Blues. And the Blues Highway. If guitars were lovers, I'd be pretty true. If the miles were dollars, I'd buy this joint. As it is, I'll park outside and take my chances under the neon lights. It's a dark ride under a bloody moon, sometimes. Sometimes: the smoke and the dust part beneath the glare, and I can see straight ahead through these drifting dreams.

My N'ganga Blues Tour launches in Cape Town in early January. Sixty shows, self driving across Africa. All but a couple dates now sold. Faithful Toyota: fuelled and waiting. Bitter streets forgotten to the sweetness of the air. I'm tossing the bones, I'm floating as the notes and stories carry me. Soon. Soon. The Blues Highway, rippling in the heat. Cheap wine. Blue Mandelas.